Prayer & Protest Press Conference at Freedom Corner

A message from the Prayer & Protest Press Conference at Freedom Corner

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for your participation in yesterday's Prayer & Protest Press Conference at Freedom Corner. Whether you were present in body or in spirit, whether it was your thousandth such event or your very first, we brought an important message to our community: spiritual leaders stand united for justice and compassion, across all our differences in race and tradition, even in the most difficult times. Black lives matter. George Floyd's life mattered. All our faith traditions call us to affirm these simple truths.

We know that Monday's event is a beginning, not the end, of our work together. Many will gather tomorrow, for example, at East Liberty Presbyterian Church at noon for a Vigil for Justice. Details are here. We invite you to share other ideas for our common witness in our Facebook group.

In times like these, gathering for dialogue across difference becomes even more important. We invite you to check out this week's Sofa Spirituality offerings. On our website,, we are now featuring interviews with Buddhist abbot Bhante Pemaratana; interfaith activist Skyler Oberst; and Rabbi Jonah Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. This Thursday, Friday, and next Tuesday we'll be facilitating conversations inspired by each of these interviews. These Sofa Spirituality dialogues are open to leaders and to laity, to those with lots of interfaith experience and those who are brand new. They're short sessions designed to fit into the rest of your day, offering a bit of inspiration and friendship, challenge and encouragement. I hope you will sign up for one or more of this week's dialogues, and please share this opportunity with your congregation or community.

Thank you for all you do,

Rev. Liddy Barlow

Rabbi Ron Symons