The Black Political Empowerment Project

Check out our voter resources page!


Empowering African-Americans in their communities since 1986.

The Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP) was created with the belief that all African-Americans in Pittsburgh should have the resources to empower themselves and their communities.




Greater Pittsburgh Coalition Against Violence

B-PEP wants safe, peaceful, and just communities for all. This initiative serves to create and implement a comprehensive anti-violence strategy for Pittsburgh and the nation.

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Corporate Equity and Inclusion Roundtable

The time is ripe for increased dialogue and deliberate identification and implementation of effective strategies and policies among stakeholders which will create a common brand to market the Pittsburgh Region as a region with a strong and meaningful commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

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Police Issues and Initiatives

It is imperative to inform people of their responsibilities and obligations any time they (or a family member/ friend) may have contact or involvement with police officers. This initiative provides tools and resources when interacting with the police.

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Civic Engagement and Voter Empowerment

Here at B-PEP, we ensure that African-Americans vote in EACH and EVERY election. We partner with multiple organizations in the state to inform African-Americans of their rights. 

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